More than 8000 signatures after 12 days

The families’ petition addressed to the Albanian government has been shared over 1000 times.

The message of the families to the Albanian Prime Minister: Our children are captives in the hands of terrorists in your country.

Some Tehran families of the members trapped inside Rajavi’s terrorist cult in Albania, in a message addressed to the Prime Minister of that country, demanded a response to more than 8000 signatures to the petition

urging the Albanian government to allow the families to contact their loved ones in the MEK camp”.

The text of the message is as follows:

Mr. Edi Rama
Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania
As you are aware, a petition addressed to your government and the ministry of foreign affairs is ongoing. After 12 days this petition has already gained more than 8000 signatures from all over the world and has been shared over 1000 times.

The Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, Rajavi cult) is an invitee in your country and under your government’s protection. But our innocent children are captives inside this terrorist cult and because of your government’s support, they have no access to the outside world particularly their family and friends.

We the suffering families would like to ask for how long you wish to prolong this situation? For how long do you wish to deprive elderly mothers and fathers from contacting their children? For how long do you wish to preserve intact this security threat for your country as well as Europe against the best interests of your people? For how long do you wish to have no control over the MEK camp and have no information about what is going on inside there? Are you aware about the extent of the spread of Covid-19 disease inside the camp which is a potential threat for your people? For whose interests should our children be captives in the hand of those terrorists?
The petition will be ongoing until we receive a response from you. If you have authority over your country’s executive affairs, it’s not a bad idea for you to go to the link below and react to the demands of the families.

We are anxiously waiting for you response

Some Tehran families

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