10,000 signatures from inside and outside Iran after two weeks

Endri Fuga is the Albanian Prime Minister’s Director of Communications and the person who runs the current government’s media and public affairs strategy.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh the CEO of the Nejat Society wrote him a report on the petition “Urging Albanian government to allow the families to contact their loved ones in the MEK camp”, in support of the families’ rights to have contact with their loved ones in the concentration camp of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK) in Albania.


The text of the letter is as follows:

Mr. Endri Fuga, Advisor to the Prime Minister and Director of Communications for the government of the Republic of Albania

Dear Sir,
GreetingsAs you may already know, an ongoing petition titled “Urging the Albanian government to allow the families to contact their loved ones in the MEK camp” has been signed inside and outside Iran to support the families’ right to have contact with their loved ones in the concentration camp of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK) in Albania.


The petition gained 10,000 signatures and was shared 1,500 times after two weeks, news of which was published in the media inside and outside Albania. This of course made the MEK leaders react fiercely, which undoubtedly shows how frightened they are of the presence of the families in Albania.

The MEK is a destructive mind control cult which with Massoud Rajavi, the cult leader, moved to Iraq from Paris in 1986 in cooperation with Iran’s enemy Saddam Hussein and with his help prepared an army to participate in the war against Iran. When the Iraqi dictator was toppled in 2003 the situation of the MEK dramatically changed.

The MEK were disarmed by the US forces, Massoud Rajavi went into hiding and his wife Maryam moved back to Paris. The members were eventually deported to Albania since the Iraqi government found them a national security threat. They were relocated to a remote isolated camp in Albania which is completely ruled by the cult leaders and your Albanian authorities have no control over it.

This is a human rights issue. Elderly mothers and fathers as well as other family members wish to have contact with their loved ones after decades. This is not too much to ask – except for cults which indoctrinate their members and fear family attachments and emotions more than anything.

I would like to request that you respond to the petition and explain to the families how this humanitarian problem can be tackled, and ask that you offer a solution for it. I am anxiously waiting to hear from you.
I wish you and your country every success, particularly your government’s efforts to become a member state of the European Union.

Ebrahim Khodabandeh
Nejat Society CEO

Copy to:
Erjon Brace MP, deputy Premier of the Republic of Albania
Tedi Blushi, Spokesperson for the President of the Republic of Albania
Sali Berisha, former Premier and former President of the Republic of Albania
Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania
Various bodies of the United Nations, the European Union and the European Parliament, international and human rights organizations
The media

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