Nejat Families from Golestan Province plea for help

Simultaneous with the petition of more than 11,000 signatures by the Nejat Society, the families of members trapped in the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) camp in Albania from Golestan Province (northeast of Iran), have sent separate letters and messages to the Albanian Prime Minister asking him to make grounds for them to contact and visit their loved ones.

Each of these letters was sent with photos, details and documents, and copies of them were provided to other Albanian officials, as well as European and international authorities and the media. In addition, the families have expressed their concern about the health condition of their loved ones in the MEK camp in the current situation of the spread of Covid-19.

The Albanian government, as a humanitarian entity, is expected to respond appropriately to these demands and remove the obstacles ahead. Many of these families have not had the slightest news of their loved ones living in the MEK camp in Albania for decades.

It is necessary to mention that during these years, many families in Golestan province while waiting to see their loved ones passed away and they were never able to get news about them, and now their names are missing from this.

Below are some of the messages sent to the Albanian Prime Minister from the relevant table for emphasis. The same old fathers and mothers or wives and children whom the Rajavi cult calls terrorists and mercenaries:

For more than 34 years, I have not been able to see my son. I ask you to at least allow me a call“, said Ay Soltan Sarli, the mother of Hamid Mohammad Aq Atabay, to Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

Mehdi Mohammadizadeh, the father of Fereshteh Mohammadizadeh, wrote:”I have not been able to see my daughter for many years and we miss her very much and we want to meet her.”

Ahmad Ismailpour, the father of Mohammad Mehdi Ismailpour, wrote:”My wife and I have not heard from our child for many years and we are very worried about his condition. Please allow us to contact him.

Sedigheh Abbasi Mojani, the wife of Reza Ali Mirzaei, wrote:”I have been waiting for my husband for more than 30 years and I have raised his children with dignity and I am still waiting for him. Allow him to have at least some simple contact with his family.

And Fatemeh Ali Mirzaei, daughter of Reza Ali Mirzaei, also wrote:”I went to Iraq several times to see my father, but the officials of the organization did not allow me to visit him and I miss him very much and I want to communicate with him.

And Mehdi Ali Mirzaei, the son of Reza Ali Mirzaei, also wrote:”We are all worried about my father’s condition after 34 years. We are all waiting for at least one letter or call.”

And of course, Mohammad Ali Mirzaei, another son of Reza Ali Mirzaei, wrote:”I hope I can visit my father as soon as possible. We all miss him.

Alieh Pouladi, the mother of Masoumeh Ghiyasi, wrote:”How many more years should I wait for my dear daughter? It is 40 years now that she has been away from home. Is it not enough? Why should I not see her in these last moments of my life? I am waiting for my daughter’s call.

Unfortunately, my sons were deceived and I have not been able to hear their voices for nearly 40 years. At the end of my life, I would love to see my sons,“said Ahmad Golalipour, father of Iraj and Houshang Golalipour.

Shahram Riahi, the son of Mohammad Taghi Riahi, wrote:”The family is very worried about my father’s physical condition and we have not heard from him for more than 30 years. I have started a family. We want to contact my father.


Roghayeh Mottaki, the mother of Ruhollah Ramouz, wrote:”I am at the end of my life. I want to call my son to relieve my worries. I wish to hug my child again after so many years.”

Samira Shahsavar, the daughter of Ismail Shahsavar, wrote:”I wish I could hear my father’s voice or meet him once in my life after 34 years. I ask you to fulfill this humane request.

I haven’t heard from my son for 20 years. Please arrange for my son to contact me,“wrote Khadijeh Vahedi, the mother of Taymaz Vahedi.

Abdul Hamid Sarai, Mehdi Sarai’s father, wrote:”Listening to my son’s voice and meeting him at the end of my life is my only human desire.

After 35 years I only ask for one appointment or at least one call before I die,“wrote Mahnaz Bazazi’s mother, Manzar Sharifi.

Mrs. Faezeh Shamsi, the daughter of Umm Leila Shamsi, wrote:”My only wish after 40 years is to see my mother and hear her voice, and I ask you to take care of this request.

Parvaneh Rezaeian, the mother of Esmat Shahnazi, wrote:”I miss my daughter and my only wish before I die is to hear my daughter’s voice.

Mohammad Agh Atabay – Nejat Society, Golestan Province Representation (Northeast Iran)

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