Olsi Jazexhi Ghergji Thanasi Discuss The Threat Of MEK To Albanians

Dr. Olsi Jazexhi and Gjergji Thanasi discuss the presence of MEK in Albania. They show how the number of #MEK soldiers have grown from 3000 to 7200. MEK is collecting mojahedeens thoughout the Middle East and is building a big paramilitary camp with #foreignfighters within Albania. After the destruction of ISIS / DAESH, MEK is the largest group of Foreign Fighters / ex-terrorists / jihadis that exist in the world and their base is in Albania. Olsi @ Gjergji analyse the divisions within the Mujahedeen army and mass defections from the group.

    #Albania hosts 7200 Iranian ex-terrorist mojahedeens. 400 of these #foreignfighters have been trafficked into France, UK, Germany. They r sleeping cells of #MKO. Around 100 have defected n live in Tirana. The standing jihadi army of #Maryam_Rajavi in Albania is around 6500. pic.twitter.com/yfv7sVBSYk

— Olsi Jazexhi (@OlsiJ) August 23, 2020

They reveal the case of Ehsan Bidi, a MEK defector whom the Albanian authorities removed his UNHCR asylum status and jailed him for one year on Maryam Rajavi’s orders. Later on August 13, 2020 Bidi was illegally thrown to Greek border by the Albanian police in order to punish and scare him and other defectors who do not obey to the commands of #MaryamRajavi The government of Edi Rama has given MEK extaordinary powers. They do not obey to Albanian laws, make calls for jihad and moreover blackmail media and journalists who expose their human rights abuses and crimes. While Maryam Rajavi, the supreme commander of the Mojahedeen claims that she will bring democracy to Iran, she runs a totalitarian cult where democracy and freedom does not exist. MEK attacks media and journalists from the BBC, Channel 4, al-Jazeera and has intimidated most of Albanian media and journalists into silence. Their presence threatens democracy and freedom of thought in Albania and security in the region.

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