What a terrorist I am, working 14 hours a day as a waiter!

Gjergji Thanasi interviews Hadi Sani Khani, 39 years old and formerly a member of MEK for 15 years.

Albanian women are wonderful. I would be happy to fall in love and marry an Albanian woman, but I do not have documents, passport, etc. On the other side, I do not even have much money to be able to support my future wife. Indeed, I have seen that here in Tirana, the municipality puts an identification tag on the ears of street dogs. Only we poor Iranians, who have left the terrorist Rajavi cult, do not have documents, do not have an identity card, etc. I pray to God that one day we too will have identification and travel documents.

GT – How did you get involved with the MEK?

HSK – My neighbour in Iran was a human trafficker associated with the MEK. With a payment, he helped me to get to Turkey. He promised me that if I went to Iraq and stayed there for two months, he would send me to any European country I wanted. Unfortunately, when I went to Iraq, I did not end up in Europe but in the MEK’s Camp Ashraf and then in Camp Liberty near Baghdad.

GT – Are you an Iranian spy and a terrorist?

HSK – If I were a spy or a paid terrorist from Iran, I would not work in this cafe, where you are interviewing me, from 6 am to 9 pm!

GT – Why do you have to work so hard? Don’t the mullahs of Tehran pay you a hefty salary?

HSK – But I would be stupid to work so hard if Tehran gave me money to live in Albania!

GT – You are still young, do you have plans to marry an Albanian woman and start a family in Albania?

HSK – Albanian women are wonderful. I would be happy to fall in love and marry an Albanian woman, but I do not have documents, passport, etc. On the other side, I do not even have much money to be able to support my future wife.

Indeed, I have seen that here in Tirana, the municipality puts an identification tag on the ears of street dogs. Only we poor Iranians, who have left the terrorist Rajavi cult, do not have documents, do not have an identity card, etc. I pray to God that one day we too will have identification and travel documents.

GT – What family do you have in Iran?

HSK – Mum, Dad, four sisters and a brother.

GT – How many nieces and nephews do you have?

HSK – So far seven, whose faces I saw on the phone only after I escaped from the Rajavi camp. I did not even know that I had become an uncle!

GT – Are you here in Tirana to commit terrorism, that is, to kill or injure members of the MEK who are in Camp Ashraf?

HSK – No, never. I cannot even kill my enemy, let alone kill my friends in the Manza camp, with whom I ate bread and drank water together. No never!

Postscript. This interview would not have been possible without the help of the anti-Rajavi dissident Mr Gholam Mirzai, who translated the answers of the gentlemen interviewed above from Farsi into English.

Gjergji Thanasi

Ashraf News, Tiranan, Albania – Translated by Iran Interlink

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