Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization remains on EU’s terror list

France says the anti-Iranian terrorist outfit "Mojahedin e Khalq" Organization (MKO) is on the European Union’s list of "terror organizations".

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy made the remark on Wednesday, adding that, "In France, this organization (MKO) is still under prosecution."

"The judicial prosecution was instituted in 2000 and it has led to the arrest of 165 members of the MKO. Some key figures of the Organization, including Maryam Rajavi, have also been tried," said Douste-Blazy, who is also a French presidential candidate.

He asserted that his country’s officials were carrying out their duties according to the law and would never show any tolerance or flexibility towards the terrorist gang.

Asked if France assumed the Lebanese Hezbollah as a terrorist group and if the group was ever listed by the EU as a terrorist organization, the French foreign minister replied, "No. Hezbollah is not on EU’s list of terrorist organizations."

"In our point of view, Hezbollah has representatives in the Lebanese parliament, he said, however adding that France would like to see Hezbollah active only on the political front.

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Please raise the issue of the MEK presence in Albania with them