May God save Albania from the curse of the Maryam Rajavi cult

MEK was not embraced but imposed on Albania in 2016

Dr. Olsi Jazexhi discusses with Gjergji Thanasi the threat that Albania is facing after the assassination of Dr. Mohsen #Fahkrizadeh in Tehran by a terrorist group. They discuss the possible involvement of the Iranian Mojahedins and their leader #MaryamRajavi in this terrorist attack and the dangers that this terrorist action brings to Albania.

They analyze the transformation of MEK from an asylum seeking group to a potential terrorist monster in Albania, its illegal activities and the shameful support that the Albanian government gives to them while it jails and persecutes Albanian Muslims for any simple insult that they make against Israel on their Facebook postings.

The discussion tries to understand future scenarios and false flag terrorist attacks that MEK might do in the future in order to help Trump administration and Israel to produce a war with Iran.

They analyze the possible changes that the Joe Biden administration will bring to the USA policies towards Iran and towards the jihadi activities of MEK from Albania – if #MEK and Israel do not do any surprise against the American democracy in the coming weeks. Examples are given how MEK has created fake terrorist news against Iran from Albania and how the MEK military command might do a false flag terrorist attack in Albania or Europe if they will be asked to by their sponsors.

Olsi Jazexhi and Gjergji Thanasi, Gazeta Impakt, Tirana, Albania,

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