MKO Protects Israel Against Hizballah

A number of Lebanese officials, who are members of March 14 forces, in Beirut and Washington revealed US’s plan to transfer thousands of MKO members to Lebanon.

These officials said in an interview with Lebanon-based newspaper Al-Siasat said that, "American officials in Pentagon and State Department have told the leaders of March 14 forces that they like to deploy MKO members to certain parts of Lebanon in order to encounter Hizballah, supported by Iran."

MKO is an Iranian opposition group that settled in Iraq during 80s.

According to contacts made by US officials from Pentagon and State Department, A member of Lebanese lobby in Washington believes that: "American diplomats in Iraq have asked Maliki’s government to issue the order of MKO’s expulsion from Iraq so that Americans could use them against Hizballah. Currently, the US doesn’t support MKO’s presence in Iraq because Iraqi people and government are strongly opposed to the presence of this group in their country."

Another leader of "March 14 forces" in Beirut said to Al-Siasat newspaper that: "There have been unofficial talks with our officials. Americans are waiting for our answer but we aren’t sure yet about the issue because we hope we could be able to solve problems without war and bloodshed."

"In the following weeks and in Riyadh, we would announce the results and if the situation moved towards war, we would welcome the Satan," he added.

He also went on to say that: "The activities of Hizballah and other groups supporting it are all controlled by the international community, government and us and we know that they have some logistical movements. We also continue our military preparedness to prevent any possible war but accepting strange forces like MKO should be discussed deeply and for the time being we don’t need them."

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