Mojahedin Khalq have no legal right; Iraqi chief prosecutor.

Baghdad,Monday 02 April: The chief prosecutor of Iraq " Jafar Al Moosavi" heading the delegation of the high court investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity told journalist today: "Members of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (Rajavi cult) enjoy no special judicial or legal immunity".

Talking to the Iraqi daily "Al Motamar", Mr. Al Moosavi said that the investigations against the terrorist group (MKO or Rajavi cult) has not yet started but he emphasised that "in order to start the judicial process, the prosecution office has started gathering information against the accused".

Mr. Mossavi added: "Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (Rajavi cult) stayed in Iraq during the time of Saddam Hussein as his guest and their presence at this moment is neither legal nor acceptable".

Mojahedin Khalq leaders are accused of massacre of Iraqi people in 1991 and 1996 by the order of Saddam’s along side Iraqi secret services and Military. They are also accuse of wasting Iraq’s wealth along side Saddam Hussein.

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