MKO hired actors for demonstration in Brussels: German news magazine

The MKO (Mojahedin Khalq Organisation) terrorist group (Rajavi cult) hired extras for a demonstration in Brussels on March 8 in a bid to cover up the small number of protestors, the weekly Focus news magazine reported Monday.

Around 60 Iranian actors and actresses who were not informed beforehand about the action, were paid the usual 50 euros per day fee to take part in the recent demonstration in Brussels where the MKO was protesting its continued blacklisting as a terror group by the European Union.

The extras were hired by a German casting agency, named ‘House of Extras’, which transferred them via two busses from Cologne to Brussels.

According to Focus, most of the side actors and actresses were duped into believing that the MKO demonstration was part of a movie and not a real event.

Once the extras arrived at the scene of a demonstration they were shocked and most of them broke away from the other demonstrators.

Meanwhile a representative of the German casting agency said that extras were also hired for another MKO demonstration in New York in fall 2005.

Jochen Cerff confirmed that 50 actors and actresses were hired in Hamburg and Leipzig to take part in a New York rally in front of the UN building.

The extras received reportedly a one-week complimentary trip to New York.

The MKO had also paid poor European-based immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, most of them social welfare recipients, to attend demonstrations in Berlin.

Several of the paid African demonstrators were told by the MKO that they would go on a sightseeing trip to Berlin.

The MKO was earlier found guilty of massive social welfare fraud in Germany throughout the 1990s.

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