Absurd Claim over Captured Britons

The seizure of fifteen British servicemen by Iran following their illegal entrance into Iranian waters hardly seems to have been a means of leverage on the British government by Iran as a bargaining chip in the nuclear negotiations. On the other hand, the Britons have confessed the illegal entry into Iran’s waters and thus, they would possibly be treated according to the international rules.

Furthermore, a group of fifteen solders can never have so important effect on such a highly disputed international issue as Iran’s nuclear file. As the impolitic as the idea may seem, a terrorist cult in attempt of buying political weight intrudes with a more outlandish idea.

Jubin Afshar, obviously an advocate of the terrorist cult of Mojahedin, expresses in American chronicle an absurd claim in his discuss over the capture of the British solders saying:

The capture, however, is a clear attempt to extract more concessions from the British government to keep the PMOI on the EU terror list. The regime knows full well that the EU is trying to deal with the CFI ruling that removed the PMOI from the terrorist list and wants to send the British a message that either they continue to keep the PMOI on the list or they are in for some theater in Tehran with their servicemen being led blindfolded to prison in front of cameras.

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