Neoconservative and Rajavi Cult Lies

For more than a decade, the neoconservatives and the Rajavi Cult have been very successful in publishing lies and disinformation in the major American media. Finally, the Federal government closed the MEK’s press office (National Council of Resistance of Iran) in the National Press Building in Washington, D.C. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft arranged for a raid of the home of Alireza Jafarzadeh in order to confiscate his documents. When will the American government post all of these documents for the world to see? Alireza Jafarzadeh went on to become a foreign affairs analyst for the Fox News Channel. In the eyes of the leaders of the Rajavi Cult, America is truly a land of opportunity. Where else in the world can you find so many dupes?

The Rajavi Cult has experimented with sending its press releases and articles and with providing supporters for interviews across America’s entire political spectrum. To their amazement, the Rajavi Cult has learned that there are dupes across the entire American political spectrum.

Their problems have come at Web sites permitting comments.

Detente or Appeasement?

by Jubin Afshar

Jubin Afshar, is Director of the Near East Project at Near East Policy Research in Washington, D.C.

The Web site of Near East Policy Research lists their successes in placing articles and in securing interviews in America.

Unfortunately for supporters of the MEK, permits readers to post comments and rebuttal articles.

On March 25, 2007, published my rebuttal article, “Can the Rajavi Cult Dupe Progressives?”

The same day, a reader posted support for the MEK (PMOI) under the title,

“Is it Right to Rebel Against Authoritarianism?”

Claims made by supporters of the MEK are easy to refute. Americans should focus upon using Web sites, such as, that permit readers to comment. Dupes can continue watching the Fox News Channel and the other major television networks or reading newspapers permitting only supportive comments.

The following are examples of easy refutations to the lies and disinformation campaign of the neoconservatives and of the Rajavi Cult.

1. Iranian supporters of the MEK prefer to use PMOI. As any search engine search will reveal that Western writers, including supporters of the PMOI, prefer to use MEK or MKO. The U.S. government document cited used both PMOI and MEK.

2. Religious leaders in Iran use Monafiqeen (two-faced) for good reason. The Shah of Iran jailed both Massoud Rajavi (and other MEK leaders) with religious leaders. In jail, they knew each other well. The Muslim religious leaders understood quickly that Massoud Rajavi was using the liberation theology approach to gain supporters in Iran. Rajavi was not a Muslim.

3. The MEK started in 1965, not in 1979. The MEK’s goal was to overthrow the Shah of Iran and to expel Western imperialists. Today, Rajavi Cult supporters want to dupe others into believing that the MEK was started to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 1979, the MEK was a major force working with Islamic leaders to overthrow the Shah of Iran. The MEK demanded the executions of America’s hostages in the American Embassy. From 1979 to 1981, the MEK and the Islamic leaders fought with each other to determine who would govern Iran. Even Maryam Rajavi discloses at her Web site that the Shah of Iran was responsible for the death of one of her sisters and the Islamic Republic of Iran was responsible for the death of a second sister.

4. There was repression in Iran during the reign of the Shah. China has 20 million political prisoners and executes 10,000 prisoners per year. Writers should express opposition to all repression everywhere. Iran does not have a monopoly on political repression. The West has rewarded China with tens of thousands of factories and massive foreign trade following the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.

5. Which Iranian revolutionary groups refused to join the MEK’s National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)? Why?

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