MKO Disparages International Approaches

The UN Human Rights Council decision to discontinue the human rights situation in Iran drew abrupt reaction by MKO and its alias, the National Council of Resistance. It is not the first time that MKO and its aliases take position against the decisions of the Human Rights bodies and attack them in their media propaganda machines. Similarly, two years ago and in reaction to the HRW’s report disclosing human rights violations inside MKO, the group started a propaganda blitz condemning the HRW to be in secret collusion with Iran against MKO. Mojahedin’s outrageous language in recent years to confront any decision contrasting the group’s interests well approves that the insular Mojahedin, in contrast to the blatant claims of pro-democracy, hardly respect ethics in conducts. The NCRI’s statement protesting the decision taken by the UN Human Rights Council is an instance of disregarding the authoritative independency of a high international body in its conclusion. The statement flagrantly condemns the Council being dominated by external influence:

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the decision by the U.N. Human Rights Council not to monitor the systematic and flagrant violation of human rights by a regime which is the world’s record holder of execution in Iran. The decision is the disgraceful domination of the Council by the countries which are themselves notorious violators of human rights and it is a catastrophe for human rights.

The reaction in itself a token of MKO’s intolerance, above all challenges the position of a globally active body. To keep silent over such blatant disregard of a legitimate international office and taking offensive position against its decision portents sectarian and terrorist threats against the democratic approaches of the West. Mojahedin’s flagrant offense speaks for the fact that the group tolerates no other thought and idea rather than its own one-sided sectarian mentality. That is to say, Mojahedin believe to be the benchmark of any legitimate and legal global move and decision. Such a dogmatic insight builds Mojahedin’s political and ideological infrastructures within the group itself and its outward internationally higher echelon conducts.

The allegations condemning the international bodies, in this case the UN Human Rights Council, to be under the influence and domination of Iran, thus sacrificing the Iranian people’s primary rights for political demands, is not so insignificant an allegation. Negligence of other international offices to face unorthodox move by MKO above all seriously threatens and questions the prestige and principle validity of the offices themselves and might imply the approval of the allegations. Such allegations posed by an organization blacklisted as a terrorist group by the US, the EU, and many other countries wherein whose activities are banned is an absolutely barefaced violation of international standards.

At least, some explanations by the UN Human Rights Council for the global audience could maintain its repute and stance against the allegations of a terrorist group. It does not necessarily mean to fancy any weight for a terrorist organization but rather safeguarding a universally accredited legacy.

To remain a passive observer of a blacklisted terrorist group’s propaganda blitz would grant it much opportunity to ridicule and disparage all bases of international approaches.

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