Representative of the World Health Organization in Albania
Greetings and best regards,
I am Hamid Reza Tadayoni, the brother of Mehdi Tadayoni, who is now in an isolated and remote camp of Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in Albania with no connections to the outside world.

For your information, my family and I have not seen my brother for many years and we have not heard his voice on the phone and we have not received any message from him, and this has been bothering us for years.
But now we are very worried about the news that our brother is probably infected with the Covid-19 virus and is in an acute condition. However, the health conditions inside the camp are not favorable at all.
We, the family of Mehdi Tadayoni, have no desire other than to hear his voice and get the news of his health. Of course, Albania does not issue visas to Iranians. At present, it is not even possible to make a phone call to the residents inside the camp.
I ask you not to neglect any action that is conceivable and fruitful in order to alleviate the concerns of me and my family, so that news of our brother reaches us and communication is possible.
Can you understand a brother’s concern in this acute situation? Is it acceptable to prevent MEK members from communicating with their families in the current situation?
Hamid Reza Tadini
Iran, Mashhad
Copy to:
Office of the Prime Minister of Albania
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights