Nejat Newsletter No. 82

Inside This Issue:

–  MEK ex- members celebrated Nowruz in Tirana
Tens of Mojahedin-e Khalq former members celebrated Nowruz – a festival that marks the Persian New Year on March 21st and the of ficial beginning of spring, in Tirana, Albania

– EU Commissioner Ylva Jo hansson Asked To Look Into The MEK Problem In Albania
Ebrahim Khodabandeh, CEO of Nejat Society, Iran, wrote a letter to the European Com missioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson. The text of the letter is as followsRAJAVI FACING INTER NATIONAL CONDEMNA TION

– Prosecuting MKO Terrorists Through Intl. Legal Channels
These people are former members of the most notorious anti Iran terrorist group, known as the MKO or Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization. They fled the group years ago after spending two decades in the MKO under duress. They have now filed a lawsuit at an Iranian court against leaders of the terror group, namely Masoud and Maryam Rajavi.

Ten Facts on Women’s Rights Abuse in the MEK Let’s review Maryam Rajavi’s promises for Iranian women on the occasion of the Internation al Women’s Day

– Razavizade family com plains to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances
We are the sister (Robabeh) and brother (Seyed Abbas) of Seyed Hossein Razaviza deh Bahabadi. We have not seen our brother for almost 37 years and now we want to file our complaint against the Albanian government under the UN International Con vention for the Protection of All Persons from En forced Disappearance, of which the Albanian govern ment is a signatory…

On 12th March 2021, several ex-MEK member organisations from Paris gathered together and sent a delegation to the Albani an embassy in Paris. They had a brief meeting with the deputy ambassador and arranged a formal meeting with the ambassador at a later date. In this conversation they handed over some docu ments and a statement to be passed to PM Edi Rama’s office.

– Civil Court Against Mojahe din-e Khalq Cult In Tehran
Iran: Tehran court asks MEK ‘to pay for financial and moral dam ages’ to former members…

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