Babak Arjmandi, Eskandar Arjmandi and Alireza Arjmandi left the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MEK/ MKO/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi), in Albania.
Babak and his two nephews Eskandar and Alireza had been taken as hostages by the MEK for many years. During the residence of the group in Camp Ashraf Iraq, the Arjmandi family traveled to Iraq to visit their loved ones in the camp but the group authorities did not allow them to visit them. After the group’s relocation in Albania, it became more unreachable than ever.
Nejat Society congratulates the Arjmandis on the release of Babak, Eskandar and Alireza and looks forward for the salvation of other MEK members from the bands of the cult-like structure of Rajavi’s group.

Eskandar Arjmandi family in front of Camp Ashraf
Nejat Society