Malek Hozhabr, 47, is from Roodbar, Gilan. He was a young boy, in his twenties, looking for a better life when he went to Turkey.
In Turkey, a recruiter of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi) called Ali Ankara came to him. The first visit was not fruitful for the recruiter but he insisted and repeated his suggestion several times promising Malek and some other Iranian young men to help them immigrate to Europe via Iraq. Malek and two of his friends finally admitted to go to Iraq.
In 2002, they arrived in the MEK’s headquarters in Iraq, Camp Ashraf. Malek found out that he was on the wrong path as soon as he arrived in Ashraf. He expressed his dissent and asked to leave the group but he was not allowed. Instead, he was threatened to be delivered to Iraqi Intelligence Ministry. “I was constantly under pressure and forced to attend brainwashing meeting,” Malek says. “They wanted me to give up.”

Malek Hozhabr
After the American invasion to Iraq, Malek escaped Camp Ashraf and went to the American camp and from there he and two other comrades, named Heidar and Nasser succeeded to escape to Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where they were arrested by the security forces. The judge court listened to his testimony about his experience in the MEK and released him.
In 2005, Malek was able to return home after three years of being a hostage in the MEK. “As a victim of the Rajavi’s suppressive system, I am ready to testify in any court of justice,” he says.