Iraq Welcomes New Decisions on MKO

Iranian opposition group Mojahedin-e Khalq had close ties with former regime’s security and military services because they had common goals, and therefore it was strongly involved in suppressing the uprising of people after 1991 invasion to Kuwait.

Following the ouster of Saddam regime, the elements of this group were protected by US soldiers; American’s put the MKO members in one of its camps in Diala province.

MKO was involved, along with the forces of former regime, in forcing the families in Diala to leave their homes. Coalition forces have not paid enough attention to the issue.

What seems to be important in the fate of this group, which has been listed as terrorist, is that it would on the agenda in the upcoming Iran-US talks.

Reliable intelligence received by Alqabas newspaper indicate that Iran would set forth particular issues like the presence of the group in Iraq and the necessity of cracking on it in the framework of a MOU that will be signed in Iraq.

This newspaper’s intelligence also show that the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, who had taken part in Sharm El-Sheikh conference, said Iran-US meeting depended on written request from Washington and the Iranian supreme leader Seyed ali Khamenei said in his speech a few days ago that such request had been delivered to Tehran. Therefore, we can conclude that Iranians will join the talks with US and that the US is ready to discuss the fate of MKO.

On the other hand, this organization has had security consequences for Iraqis and since it’s being protected by Americans, Iraqi government is not able to make final decision about the group, therefore they (Iraqis) would be satisfied to see the results of US-Iran decisions.

Baghdad/May 2007, 2007

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