The Curious Arrest Of An Iranian Diplomat

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been always under the eyes of the United States government and its Middle East ally, the apartheid, Zionist entity of Israel. This was clearly demonstrated when Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Mahabadi was assassinated. Now, the same story happens again but this time has different angles for different agendas by different countries. A joint operation by German, French and Belgian police arrested a diplomat Iranian over a fabricated plot of having explosives and a detonator

We are referring to the case of Mr. Assadollah Asadi, 49, an Iranian diplomat who worked at the Iranian embassy in Vienna. He arrested in Germany and recently sentenced to twenty-years in prison. How this all came about is anyone’s guess.

Initially, Belgium authorities hacked his email, and found one inviting him to a conference in Germany. It is somewhat interesting that the most ‘incriminating’ email they found was this invitation. How unusual is it, one might ask, for a foreign diplomat to be invited to an international conference?

But that was what was needed. Going to Germany for the conference, Asadi allegedly met a Belgium couple of Iranian origin at a restaurant in Luxembourg. Here is where things get a bit foggy. This couple reported receiving a package from Asadi, without knowing what it contained. At some point, they were arrested with a package and – lo and behold! – it contained a bomb.

Let’s look at this a little more closely for a moment. A couple met a foreign diplomat in a restaurant and received a package from him. They didn’t inquire what it contained; they were just pleased to accept it. Was it a gift, to be opened when they returned home? Or was it a bomb that they naively and innocently were going to take somewhere to detonate? Or was there no package at all?

Let’s also look at the logistics of this. The Belgium authorities say that Asadi wanted to blow up an anti-Iran rally being held outside Paris. The rally is one of the MEK’s (Mujahedin-e-Khalq) usual events, attended by some right-wing U.S. politicians, but the group poses no threat to Iran; it is extremely unpopular in that country. What sense would it make for an Iranian diplomat to cause the carnage such a bomb would certainly result in, at a time when it had worldwide sympathy following U.S. President Donald Trump’s illegal departure from the JCPOA?

When Asadi was seized, the personal possessions he had with him were listed and nothing incriminating was found.

One of the charges against him was that he was transporting explosives aboard his Austrian airlines flight. For any of us who have flown anytime in the past 15 years, it is obvious that getting bombs or related equipment on a plane is virtually impossible. Items as simple as nail files are found when going through security, and are confiscated.

A report in Radio Farda of October 20, 2020, stated the following:

Tehran has repeatedly dismissed the charges against Assadi, calling them a ‘false flag’ operation by the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s (NCRI, a political group that supports the overthrow of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran) political arm, the MKO, which presents itself as an alternative to the clergy-dominated ruling establishment in Iran.

Tehran accused European states of harboring the MKO, which it deems a terrorist organization. The group had previously been based in the Iraqi capital Baghdad under former president Saddam Hussein.”

A spokesman for the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saeed Khatibzade, commented on the case during an interview on May 10, 2021. The Tehran Times reported that he said that Asadi’s “detention was illegal from the beginning and a violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on diplomatic immunities.’

He highlighted that the whole judicial process lacks the necessary legitimacy.

“‘We said from the beginning that we consider it against international law, and it is a very dangerous innovation that these countries have made.’”

The United States government has worked hard to demonize Iran for two main reasons: First, the people overthrew the brutal, oppressive U.S. puppet government of the Shah of Iran, replacing it with one of their own choosing which does not to bow to U.S. demands, and second, Iran threatens Israel hegemony in the Middle East, and U.S. government officials will do anything to support that apartheid regime. And the tentacles of the U.S. reach far and wide; certainly, Belgium isn’t interested in displeasing the global imperial giant.

Asadi has been sentenced to twenty-years in prison. But the U.S. government will be disappointed to learn that the arrest of one diplomat will not encourage the Iranian people to turn from their own chosen government and embrace one that has long sought their oppression.

One might reasonably ask why such a ‘dangerous’ individual was even invited to attend a conference. One might also question why diplomatic immunity was ignored in this case, and what country ordered it to be so.

The truth of this situation may never be known. Yet is it not unlikely that the arrest and conviction of Assadollah Asadi is yet another attempt by the U.S. and its minions to marginalize, ostracize and demonize Iran.

By: Core Middle East

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