The MEK forced me to take up arms against my own countrymen

Honorable UN Representative in Tehran
Your Excellency,

According to the Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of the POWs
I am Torab Ali Ne’mati. I was arrested during Iran-Iraq war by the Mujahedin-e Khalq forces who were fighting on the side of Saddam Hussein. I was imprisoned in the group prisoners for about 8 months. Then they forced me to participate in their operation against Iran called Eternal Light and so as to take up arms against my own countrymen.

After long years I managed to free myself from the group. I have complaint against the cult leaders as they violated the 3rd Geneva convention relative to the treatment of the POWs. They did this to me and other POWs. They should be prosecuted as I injured physically and mentally.

Torab Ali Ne’mati
Zanjan Province, Iran

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