Tehran Summons UK Envoy over Harassment of Iranian Voters

Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned the British ambassador to Tehran to voice protest at the problems that Iranian expatriates in the UK encountered as they wanted to attend the presidential election at the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic missions.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Saturday that UK Ambassador Rob Macaire has been summoned by the ministry in protest at the problems faced by the Iranian voters residing in England.

He said the British envoy has been notified of Iran’s strong protest at the “riotous and terrorist” conduct of a number of “anti-Revolution terrorist elements and those opposing democracy” who have disrupted the process of the 13th Iranian presidential election in a number of cities such as London and Birmingham by insulting the voters and the executive personnel and the assault and battery against one of the voters.

“The British ambassador has been told that the government and police of that country (UK) have failed to fulfil their duties to ensure the security of the polling stations and the voters,” Khatibzadeh said.

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The spokesman also noted that the Foreign Ministry officials have reminded the UK envoy that democracy materializes at the ballot boxes not in the moves of a few number of rioters on the streets.

“In the meeting, strong criticism has been leveled at the naughty and divisive performance of the UK-based Persian media, including BBC Persian and Iran International, which tried to promote a boycott of election, encourage people to attend street protests, and disrupt the process of election with their programs and types of news making. It was emphasized that such measures that run counter to democracy and encourage riotous moves will remain in the memory of Iranian people,” he added.

The British ambassador has pledged to convey the protest to London.

There are reports that a number of anti-Revolution forces in the foreign states have harassed and attacked the Iranian expats attending the presidential election in the polling stations abroad.

An Iranian woman in England’s Birmingham reportedly suffered injuries to her head in an attack as she was going to the polling place to vote.

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