Ambassador: We raised our concerns transparently in Baghdad meeting

Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi homi said Iran’s concerns were brought up in a transparent way in the trilateral meeting in Baghdad between Iran, US and Iraq.

Speaking in a press conference after the meeting, Kazemi Ghomi said, "We made clear the role of occupiers in Iraq and reminded them their mistakes in running the affairs in Iraq."

"We also told the Americans explicitly that the problems of Iraqi people will increase if the US continues its occupation of Iraq." "Our main reason for taking part in the negotiation was supporting the government of Prime Minister al-Maliki in Iraq and we are ready to offer any kind of assistance to Iraq Government to increase its ability in running the country," Ambassador Kazemi said.

On the accusations raised by the US delegation about Iran’s intervention in Iraq, the ambassador said,"This is not the first time that Americans raise that accusation and we gave appropriate responses to them in the meeting."

He said the three sides agreed on helping the government of Iraq that it can restore national sovereignty.

Stressing that the lack of security was the most serious problem in Iraq, the participants underlined the necessity of helping the legitimate government of Iraq to achieve the ability for establishing security in the country.

The ambassador said the establishment of a trilateral security committee to strengthen the military and defensive abilities of Iraqi government was discussed in the meeting.

Kazemi said today’s talks were the first step of a process and the Iraqi government has proposed the resumption of them in near future which should be examined in Tehran.

On the issue of Iranian diplomats captured in Iraq by US forces, Kazemi said that issue was not raised in the talks because "we believe the Iraqi government is responsible for it and should take the required steps in this regard."

On the terrorist group of MKO, Kazemi said based on the decisions taken by the government of Iraq, the members of the group must leave Iraq and Baghdad is determined to implement its decisions

IRNA –May 29,

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