Iraq says MKO behind violence

A senior Iraqi prosecutor has said there is evidence to suggest the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization is involved in the ongoing violence in Iraq.

“The Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court has been provided with documents on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s (MKO) crimes against the people in southern Iraq and the people of Tuz Khormato in the south of Kirkuk,” the Iraqi Chief Prosecutor, Ja’far al-Mousavi, told the Iraqi Al-Bayyinah al-Jadidah paper.

“The prosecutors have filed a lawsuit against MKO ringleaders based on the documents and will bring them to trial for committing atrocities against the Iraqi nation,”al-Mousavi said.

“The names of the people taking orders from MKO leaders and the names of the victims will be announced to the media as soon as possible,”he added.

“There are pictures among the documents depicting the intelligence officers of the former Iraqi regime delivering a great deal of money to MKO leaders,”he continued.

Members of the MKO, an anti-Iranian terrorist organization which has long been on the lists of terror groups compiled by the US, the European Union, Canada and Iran, are active in the US, Iraq and several European countries.

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