American Def. expert shocked by Flournoy’s appearance in MEK rally

This time the scandal was made by a democrat figure, Micheel Flournoy, a former Pentagon official who was once under consideration to be President Biden’s secretary of defense. She addressed the annual gathering of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi), and then she claimed she didn’t realize the conference where she was a featured speaker on regime change was organized by the once-terror-listed MEK.

Daniel DePetris

Following the controversial sponsorship of a prominent defense expert for the MEK terrorist destructive cult, Daniel DePetris an expert of “The Defense Priorities” and a correspondent of Newsweek, the Washington Examiner and the National Interest. Tweeted on July 10th:
“Imagine being an Iran “expert” and thinking the MEK is a popular, legitimate opposition movement the U.S. government should support. My goodness…”

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