Mahmoud Dashtestani: We challenged the Rajavi Cult

Mahmoud Dashtestani, one of the plaintiffs in the case and one of the cult’s former members, stated on the first day of the Nationwide Conference of the Nejat Society held on August 7,2021:

Greetings to all dear sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers and former member friends separated from the Rajavi Cult and affected by this cult. I am Mahmoud Dashtestani, one of the witnesses in the court, which, of course, is a unique and unprecedented court.

The Rajavi Cult did not expect at all. We challenged the Rajavi Cult. The case is being pursued and has gone to The Hague. Of course, first of all, the Rajavi Cult must respond to the damages we have suffered, whether former members, families, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers who have been in the cult for 10 years, 20 years or 30 years, or prisoners who are currently in the cult. This is something that is inevitable.

Mahmoud Dashtestani ; one of the plaintiffs in the case and one of the cult’s former members

We complained against them and we went to the court and the case was followed up and is being followed up now, and we will do anything necessary about it. What about those of us who have been separated and lost our past, and also our future is uncertain, and waiting families, old fathers and mothers, who failed to see their children and they passed away. Those who shed tears for their loved ones. MEK should be held accountable for all this in the international courts. I hope that all parents will see their children and their loved ones, and we will reach the results we are expecting with our complaints.

This is not an economic issue at all, it is not a treasure issue at all, it is an issue of a very large lawsuit regarding Rajavi’s humanitarian crimes, in connection with deceives. It is related to the betrays against human beings there. They have to be accountable mentally, emotionally and psychologically. We are in any court with all our former member brothers. This case will reach the desired result that we are all looking for. I hereby express my full support for this case and this complaint, and I support all the brothers who are behind this case, and we will be together step by step to the end.

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