The Terrorists’ Peace Conference in Ashraf

As soon as Nuri al-Maleki’s government assumed power by people’s vote, it announced expulsion of terrorist MKO from Iraq in near future and banned the group’s activities. Since then, MKO has been engaged in strengthening its ties with dissident Iraqi groups to combat in a front against al-Maleki. The Iraqi province of Diyala has turned into a bastion of meetings of dissident factions with MKO to take oath of allegiance against the vote of Iraqi nation.

Reuters reported on Sunday that the Iraqi tribal leaders and local politicians and parliamentarians from the Iraqi province of Diyala attended a conference that was held in the Camp Ashraf, resided by MKO members and located north-west of the city of Baquba, and voiced their support for the presence of MKO in Iraq and stated that the organization contributed to the stability and security of the province. Nobody doubts that such conferences, masterminded and orchestrated by MKO, are aimed to mislead the public opinion against the will of Iraqi people; peace and order are never supposed to be originated from a bastion of terror and anarchy.

A remarkable point concerning the conference was that Massoud Rajavi, the escaped leader of the group whose whereabouts is unknown, sent a message from his hideout to the conference to salute the participants and reiterated the claims that the Iranian regime has been implementing a phased plan aimed at the occupation of Iraq!

Regardless of all these counter-national moves and violations of imposed bans by a proscribed group that abuses its insiders under cult-like measures, the Iraqi government, as the legal representative of the nation, is determined to expel MKO as soon as possible. –19/06/2007

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