Mr. Faraji, brother of Abbas and Asghar Faraji, members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult), stated at the nationwide online conference of the Nejat Society held in August 2021:
In the name of God. Greetings to all the loved ones and activists of the Nejat Society, especially the activists of the Lorestan branch. My request is similar to those of my dear brothers and our noble sister (sister of Aziz Kakavand and Mr. Khatibi).

Mr. Faraji, brother of Abbas and Asghar Faraji, members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization
Our request is that the complaints be dealt with and that, God willing, they arrange for us to have a meeting with our loved ones, which is the least we can expect from the International Court in The Hague.
Insha’Allah, the authorities should review the demands, and we should be able to meet them as we did once or twice in Iraq in the past, and we can fulfill our smallest rights and examine the complaints of the loved ones who returned home and their rights and youth were really lost.
The complaints of these individuals should be seen and dealt with.
Thank you