Mr. Ali Akbar Khatibi, brother of Mohammad Khatibi, a member of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) in Albania, said at the Nationwide Online Conference of the Nejat Society held on August,2021:

Mr. Ali Akbar Khatibi, brother of Mohammad Khatibi
I am Khatibi. Greetings to all the friends and those who really work hard in this way. Especially the Lorestan Province Nejat Society, and Mr. Moradi and Mr. Khosropour, for whom I am very grateful.
I ask for those loved ones who have separated from the Rajavi Cult, salaries be considered in order to help them financially. God willing, there would be a way for us to go to Albania and have a meeting with our loved ones for even a few minutes, I do not mention a few days, and to be able to find out about their health, both physically and mentally. Because we are really disconnected from them and we cannot contact them in any way. We would just like to have a meeting where we can be informed about the health of our loved ones.