Proscribed terrorist MKO attack the Seminar on”Cults and Violence”in Paris

As you are aware, on June 17, 2007, about 50 members of the proscribed terrorist entity, Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) who had been dispatched from Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany, attacked a seminar organised by the Association for the Protection of Iranian Immigrants. The venue was at FIAP in the 14th District of Paris. The attackers used knives, broken bottles, etc and injured many of the guests as well as some of the organisers. More than 13 people were injured seriously – which was reported by local and international media. After intervention by the police, all the Mojahedin members were arrested and taken into custody.

We have been informed that already a serious investigation has begun in the French Judicial system to find out about the depth of involvement of leaders of the Mojahedin Khalq currently residing in north of Paris.

The following information has been revealed to us:

1 – This terrorist act had been approved and arranged at the highest levels of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation and National Council of Resistance leadership and the cult leader Maryam Rajavi was involved in every detail of the operation. Mr. Alaedin Tooran and Ms. Shahrzad Haj Seied Javidi have acted as the "intelligence officer" and "operational officer" for this operation, conducting every detail from Ms. Maryam Rajavi residence in the north of Paris. The operation had been named operation "Destruction of the Nest of Snakes".

2 – The "executive field officer" of the operation has been Mr. Mohammad Hayati (aka: Siavosh) who has been a military leader of MKO from the time of the Shah and who is currently a member of MKO as well as the National Council of Resistance. He conducted the attack using his men and had communication with them through mobile phones. During the years 1981 to 1986, Mohammad Hayati was a member of executive committee of Mojahedin in France and after the departure of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi (cult leaders) to Baghdad; he was transferred to Iraq and took the position of head of one of three military bases given to the Mojahedin by Saddam Hussein. He has directed major military operations in suppressing the uprising of the Iraqi Kurds and Shiites as well as insurgencies inside Iranian territory.

According to news received from the Americans as well as the disaffected members of Ashraf Camp in Iraq, the name of Mohammad Hayati has been registered in the list of Mojahedin members in the camp and up to 6 months ago, he has had regular contact with the American forces in charge of the camp.

We believe that Mohammad Hayati has specifically been sent from Iraq after the announcement by our association. He has been sent by Massoud and Maryam Rajavi and has been appointed to command this terror operation in Paris. He had been present at the scene from 12:00 on Sunday June 17 and had coordinated every movement by mobile phone. He had been in constant contact with the Mojahedin HQ in the north of Paris and had been reporting every step directly to Maryam Rajavi.

Mohammad Hayati was arrested by the police inside the FIAP building and was transferred to the police station. The police after examining his documents clearly were aware of his false ID and false passport which was used to travel from the Netherlands.

We alert the International Committee of the Red Cross and the American forces in charge of camp Ashraf that the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organisation has been transferring some of its military forces from Iraq (Camp Ashraf) to European countries to carry out similar attacks.

All this is happening at a time that about 200 people, who have clearly renounced terrorism and the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation after the fall of Saddam, are still being kept under extreme conditions by the American forces and do not have the right to asylum or to leave the place.

3 – thanking all the Iranians and other peace loving people who have been in contact in the last few day to lend their support, we would like to bring to your attention that contrary to the propaganda of the cult through its massive propaganda machine which has been lent to this proscribed terrorist organisation (Mojahedin Khalq), the cult has been clearly demonstrating its true face and its deeply rooted belief in violence and terror.

Pictures and films which we have received to date are attached.

A picture of Mohammad Hayati standing among some policemen is among these pictures.

Also a clip shows one of the women with the organisational name of "Effat" who is apparently from the leadership of MKO approaches Mr. Firoozman and gives a message from Maryam Rajavi to him which translates:

"We wish we had executed you in 2001 when we arrested you and got rid of this trouble".

The clip can be seen at the end of the film No. 1, with her face and comments clearly discernable.

At the end we wish to remind Massoud and Maryam Rajavi that we are now on French soil and France would never change into Iraq for you even in your wildest dreams.

Paris. June 21, 2007

Association for the Protection of Iranian Immigrants

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