Iranian Woman Vs. MKO in French Court

"French judicial sources announced that an Iranian woman, who was injured in a terrorist operation by MKO in 2000 in Tehran, met French investigator after fours years of filing her complaint," AP reported from France.

Osaneh Mahmoudi had filed a complaint against terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq in France in 2003, because she had been injured in MKO’s terrorist operation. This session was the first to hear this diplomatic-judicial case in France.

Paris court started to investigate the complaint a year after it was submitted and then announced that French Judiciary is entitled to prosecute the MKO, which has been based in Auer-Sur-Oise for more than 20 years.

Several rockets were fired on two governmental buildings in Tehran on February 5, 2000. One person was killed and many other injured in the incident. MKO claimed responsibility for this terrorist act a few days later.

Mahmoudi’s attorney said that 7 people who were injured in the incident should file complaint.

French Judiciary started the investigation on the MKO in 2001. Paris court first investigated the group’s sabotaging operations but later, in June 2003, and then in March 2007, expanded its investigations to the group’s financial support for terrorism.

Nearly 170 MKO members of the MKO were arrested on June 17, 2003, but only 17 of them, including Maryam Rajavi, were prosecuted.


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