Nejat Soceity interview with Mohammad Karami

Mr. Mohammad Karami, one of the plaintiffs in the case against the leaders of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) and one of the former members from the Rajavi Cult, stated in an interview with Nejat Society correspondent:

Greetings and thanks to the Nejat Society, who have really worked hard over the years.
I live in Iran for several years and in these years, I have witnessed the efforts of these friends. We call on the International Court of Justice in the Hague to help us and allow families to contact their loved ones.
I, in turn, call on the International Court of Justice in the Hague to consider our rights as soon as possible and to take our hand in this humane act.

Thanks to the friends who helped so far and opened the way for all of us.
Mr. Karami further stated: For my part, I call on the families to help and support so that we can all achieve our rights, as well as the loved ones who are in the Rajavi cult to return to their homeland with the help of the families and the former members.

Mohammad Karami; MEK cult defector

I spent several years of my youth in the MEK camps in Iraq. we worked like slaves. In short, we had all these problems, mental and physical suffering, and being away from family. Even during these few years that I was there, I had no contact with my family. They did not give me any rights. All they gave us was clothes and food just to live and work. I ask the families to help and support us so that we can complete this path successfully. My request to the families is that with each other’s help, we can save the people caught in the MEK so that they can leave this cult.

He also added:
I entered Iran in 2004. It’s more than 15 years now. Fortunately, I started a very happy family in my homeland. I have a child now. I am self-employed. I live in my own city. I am very happy to live with my family and in my own country. I ask the families and supporters not to get tired and help us to get rid of this problem, which is really annoying.

When I was in the MEK camp, I was not even allowed to think about myself. I was not allowed to recall my family. During the years I have returned to my country and been with my family, I feel sorry for those who instead of living with their family and having the love of their parents, live in captivity.
My message to my friends there, is to connect as quickly as they can through cyberspace and then really break up. Because there is no future for them. For example, trying to think about what will happen tomorrow is not true at all. The only way out is to step forward to break away from this organization and return to the free world. We do everything we can for them. The first step in important. The rest is simple. Friends will help.

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