Iranian TV Documentary on Mojahedin Khalq

Last night, Iranian National TV aired a documentary on Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The program called “The Wolves”

Notoriously known as Monafeqin (hypocrites) among Iranian, Mojahedin-e Khalq have been faded into the oblivion and have no place among Iranian today and people prefer not to recall the group’s atrocities and bloody crimes perpetrated especially in the first years of the revolution. But the documentary is believed to be prepared for the Iranian young generation to get acquainted with one of the most brutal and atrocious terrorist groups of Iranian history and who are still engaged in a hostile and anti-national war under the protection of alien powers.

The documentary is aired on the anniversary of one of the first bloody terrorist moves of MKO, the 7th of Tir incident (June 28th). On the evening of June 28th, 1981, while a regular meeting of the Islamic Republic party was in progress, a bomb exploded in the meeting hall. Ayatollah Beheshti was at the podium and about 90 persons were present in the hall when the explosion occurred. The explosion killed more than 72 personalities including Dr. Beheshti, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Deputies of the Majlis, ministers of the cabinet, their assistants and many more. MKO believed it was a striking blow and a final coup to overthrow the newly formed Islamic republic ruling.

It was the beginning of a bloody chapter in Iranian history that contains numerous pages of violence and terror perpetrated by MKO. Following many scattered instances of terrorist operations resulting in the killing of many innocent civilians and Iranian ranks, the next second blow came in August 30. The explosion of an incendiary bomb which had been planted by MKO in one of the prime ministry conference rooms resulted in killing of the newly appointed Iranian President, Raja’i and the Prime Minister, Dr. Bahonar.

Following the internal ideological revolution within MKO and the hegemonic leadership of Rajavies, the group has developed more dangerous features. Now it has metamorphosed into a dangerous political and personal cult notoriously referred to as the cult of Mojahedin.

Mojahedin WS, June 26, 2007

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