Mr. Behrouz Oladi, brother of Masoumeh Oladi a member of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization in Albania, said in an interview with the Nejat Society correspondent:
Greetings and regards to all grieving families, mothers and fathers who have been waiting to visit their children for years. I also extend my greetings and special thanks to the services of all the loved ones who are working all over Iran, especially in the Nejat Society throughout the country. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart and I sincerely say that during these years, these people really worked hard for us in various fields and made it possible for us to make our voices heard by our loved ones in any way possible.
I am Behrouz Oladi. In 2004, my sister Masoumeh Oladi was abducted by Rajavi cult agents on her way to school while she was a 16-year-old girl. At noon that day, because Masoumeh did not return home, we quickly went to many places looking for her. We informed many organizations and bodies. In the evening of that day, at 11 pm, we were informed that Masoumeh had been abducted by individuals and was now a prisoner of the Rajavi Cult in the Ashraf garrison in Iraq. I, who was about 20 years older than my sister, had never heard of the MEK at that time, let alone my 16-year-old sister.

Masoumeh Oladi’s brother
The organization declares that people are there of their own free will! I ask you if it is possible for a 16-year-old girl who has not heard the name of this organization at all and does not know what the organization wants, go to another country and join this cult willingly?
Over 10 times I went myself and about 5 times with my old and ill mother to visit my sister at the door of Camp Ashraf in Iraq. But every time I was confronted with obscenities, insults, and repeated attacks with stones, bows, and arrows on myself and my mother. I was injured many times. Even on a trip I had with my mother, the pressure on my mother and myself was so intense that a doctor who had been stationed by Iraqi forces when he examined my mother said that my mother’s blood pressure had reached 19 and was very high. I rushed my mother to a hospital in Baghdad.

Masoume Oladi’s mother holding her photo
Now I ask you, all human rights and international organizations, how an organization that supposedly inspires human rights and democracy does not allow an ailing,aged mother and a brother who were thousands of kilometers away from their own country and had come empty handed to the door of Ashraf garrison to visit their loved ones, even from a distance of 10 meters. I was severely traumatized in two ways. First while being away from my sister, my teenage sister who has been abducted and I have not seen her or heard her voice for 20 years. Second, my old and miserable mother, who is constantly grieving my sister.
I’m talking to you now from my mother’s house. But she can’t sit next to me even for 5 minutes. I lost my father. My mother is also waiting for my sister. Every moment there is a conversation, she asks me with tears in his eyes that what about Masoumeh?
All the loved ones and families who were with us at various ceremonies and were with us at the entrance of Ashraf garrison know me and my mother. Our subject is families. It is a matter of humanity. It is a matter of emotion. All the loved ones who have suffered physical and mental damages in this organization, and are now separated, have complained against the leaders of the organization and the families are also complaining. I express my full support for this complaint.

Massoume Oladi family in front of Camp Ashraf
As a brother, on behalf of all the brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers who are really waiting for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, more or less to see their loved ones, I wish that they can see the beautiful faces of their loved ones. God willing, good news will come to them day by day. Hear the news of every MEK hostage’s seperation and release makes us delighted.
There were family members of MEK hostages among us who have passed away. There are also families who are sick and disable now.
I wish that all the loved ones who are in the captivity of this cult be released and return to their families as soon as possible. I wish good health for all the families, especially the hardworking loved ones in the Nejat Society.