The reasons of Rajavi’s Cult stay in FTO list

The State Department Office of Coordinator for Counterterrorism on April 30 released the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in which Muajhedin-e-Khalq Organization continues to occupy its previous status according to the documented reasons ,you will consider the main points as follow:

-MKO is a violent organization, responsible for the assassination of several American military personnel and civilians in the 1970’s (MKO terrorized American consultants in Tehran)

-The US confirms that MEK leadership and members across the world maintain the capacity and will to commit terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and beyond.

-MEK had been one of the most violent movements opposed to Pahlavi Dynasty and its close relationship to the United States (fighting America was along with their fight against Imperialism and appeasement of communism )

– The US considers MEK’s ideology has gone through several iterations and blends Marxism, Islam and Fenatism.

-The group has launched its world wide champagne against Iranian government leading its terror operations from Iraq and Europe.

-Activity in order to solicit financial and social aid in Europe (Money Laundering)

-MKO has terrorist capacity and cult-like characteristics.( the report has pointed to brainwashing, forced divorces, separating the parents from the children and weekly meetings)

-Maryam Rajavi has established a “Cult of Personality”

-MKO’s hostility against Iran under Saddam Hussein’s sponsorship.

-bombing against central office of Islamic Republic Party and Prime Minister’s office (1981)

-MEK continued to wage its terrorist champagne from its headquarters in Paris (1981-1986)

-MEK leaders turned to Saddam Hussein’s regime for basing, financial support, and training.(1986)

-Heavy suicidal, military, terrorist attack with Iraqi equipments against Iranian forces (1989-1988)

-Keeping their relationship with Iraqi Regime until 1990.

– Bloody crackdown on Iraqi Kurds and Shia uprisings. (1991)

– Terrorist campaign against 13 Iranian Embassies or installations in 13 countries (1992)

-Assassination of the Deputy Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces General Staff, Brigadier General Ali Sayyad Shirazi.(1999)

Assassination of the commander of Nasr headquarters and a dozen attacks against Iran including a major Iranian leadership complex in Tehran.(2000)

– Regular mortar attacks against military and law enforcement personnel.(2000 and 2001)

– The FBI arrest of 7 Iranians in the US who funneled 400,000 its purchase weapons in UAE.(2001)

-installation of about 3400 MEK members in Camp Ashraf (2003)

-The arrest of 160 MKO members by French Police (2003)

– The MKO members engagement in Self-immolation due to the arrest of Maryam Rajavi by French counterterrorism Police.(2003)

– MEK received millions of dollars in Oil-For-Food program subsidies from Saddam Hussein (1999-2003)

-Evidences, documents and video on Saddam’s handing over suitcases of money to MKO leaders and video of MEK operatives receiving training from the Iraqi military.

There are a lot of evidences and documents on MKO terrorist nature. Considering all the reasons of MKO’s stay in FTO list one can realize the measure of pursuing MKO’s case and also its terrorist background since its foundation. Therefore, designating MKO as a terrorist organization is not to appease Iran and neither to treat MKO unjustly. The criterion is their black file of violating human right against Iranian and Iraqi people.

The Black File, June 15th, 2007

Translated by Nejat Society

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