Nejat Newsletter No. 87

Inside This Issue:

– Court Orders the MEK Leader to Pay Billions to Victims
An Iranian court has ordered the leader of Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK,a.k.a. MKO and
PMOI) to pay nearly 8000 billion tomans in damages for the victims..

– I cried all day long when I entered Camp Ashraf
Abdulrahim Nazari was deceived by the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) recruiters in Turkey and taken to Camp
Ashraf, Iraq while he had no idea about the group. Abdulrahim was a young Iranian Turkman that traveled to Turkey to find a job in 2002.

– I feel pity for the imprisoned women in the cult of Rajavi
Tahereh Nouri was only twenty years old and the mother of a nine-months old baby when she was taken as a hostage by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/ MEK/PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi).“As a young girl, I had married a greedy man who ruined my life,” Tahereh writes in the memoirs she has published on her experience of involvement with the MEK. “My husband was jailed in Arak, Iran, where he got to know a man named Mehdi.”

– The Rajavi Cult kidnapped my sister at the age of 16 on her way to school
Mr. Behrouz Oladi, brother of Masoumeh Oladi a member of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization in Albania, said in an interview with the Nejat Society correspondent: Greetings and regards to all grieving families, mothers and fathers who have been waiting to visit their children for years. ..

– Sister of an MEK member: they kidnapped and imprisoned my sister
Leila Nargesi is one of the hostages of the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) residing in Albania. Her family have had no access to her for 24 years.Leila was a university student when she was deceived by her boyfriend to join the MEK in Iraq, in 1997. “My sister was too young to know about the MEK,” Sara Nargei…

– The MEK ruined my youth
Hadi Naseri Moghadam was in the Mujahedin Khalq for 15 years. He joined the group not as a political activist but as a young Iranian who wanted to immigrate to Europe.Hadi was born in 1973, in Gorgan, Iran. When he was 27 years old, a human trafficker promised to smuggle him to Europe. Hadi wanted to travel to Turkey in order to open his way to move to Europe but the human trafficker convinced
him to go to Iraq and to stay in the MEK’s military base in Iraq, Camp Ashraf. Hadi recounts, “I told him, ‘I do not feel like serving in a military base’, but he promised me that my stay in Camp Ashraf would be only six months”.

– Elderly parents of MEK member appeal to the Al banian gov. to let them visit their son
Dear friends, in this video, an elderly Iranian mother next to her husband appeals to the Albanian authorities to grant her and her husband visas to come to Albania to meet their son Hassan Heirani. They have not met their son for 28 years, and even for 14 years they could not even talk to him, because the Rajavi….

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