The ailing mother of Morteza Ghadimi wrote letter to Karim Asad Khan

Mr. Karim Khan,
The Attorney General of the International Court of Justice

Hello and thank you,

I am Fatemeh Peykani, the mother of Morteza Ghadimi. Morteza has been a prisoner of the anti-humanitarian cult of the Mojahedin for nearly 35 years and has been severely brainwashed in the camp of Maryam Rajavi in Albania. You must have experienced fatherhood and you know how hard and heart-breaking the grief of being away from a child is. For exactly 35 years, the Mojahedin have not allowed me, as a sick mother, to hear my son’s voice. You have a difficult and at the same time valuable responsibility, because you hear the voices of the plaintiffs of the case and you can be the executor of justice in the world that history will never forget.

Fatemeh Peykani
Iran – Zanjan

Morteza Ghadimi Mother

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