Taha Hosseini’s letter to the ICC Prosecutor

Dear Mr. Karim Asad Khan,

I, Taha Hosseini, a resident of Arak, Iran, traveled to Turkey to find a better job and worked there. Unfortunately, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, Rajavi Cult) in Turkey deceived me and transferred me to Iraq with false promises. When I was transferred to Iraq, they took all my documents and made me nameless, and I had no way back.
I went through difficult days in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, which belonged to the MEK. I asked the MEK to transfer me back to Turkey, but I encountered severe punishment. The imprisoned me in a barrack. Then arranged a crowded meeting and incited the participants to assault me physically and cursing at me. After the meeting they took me back to the barrack. They threatened me with death.
Mr. Karim Asad Khan
The slogans of the MEK regarding freedom are false. There is no freedom in the MEK. They answer to any kind of criticism with violence. I have complaint against the criminal leaders of the MEK and I ask you to follow up on my complaint. I wish that the leaders of the MEK would be tried in an international court.

Taha Hosseini
Arak – Iran

Taha Hosseini; the MEK former member

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