Families of members of the Mujahedin Khalq contacted founders of ASILA in Tirana from Nejat Society’s central office in Tehran.
On Tuesday November 30th, 2021, a video connection was set between Hassan Heirani and a few of other members of the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) from Tirana, Albania and a number of families of MEK members who are taken as hostages in the group including Soraya Abdohllahi the mother of the MEK member AmirAslan Hassanzadeh, the mother of Fereidoon Nedai and the parents of Majid Hajalirezai, the wife and daughter of Rahim Kayukan and the sister of Fereidoon Parvaresh.
The meeting was also attended by a number of former members of the Cult of Rajavi such as Bakhshali Alizadeh and Gholam Mirzai who are living with their families in Iran now.
Soraya Abdollahi, as the representative of mothers in Nejat Society congratulated Hassan Heirani on the establishment of the association. “The establishment of ASILA encourages families for the release of hostages from the bars of the Cult of Rajavi,” she said.
Hassan Heirani presented a brief report on the goals and missions and future plans of the association for his audience at Nejat office in Tehran.
Gholam Mirzai emphasized the importance of the foundation of ASILA in order to aid defectors of the MEK in Albania.
Nejat Society members had prepared a cake to celebrate the official establishment of ASILA.
Other family members talked with Heirani and expressed their concerns over the conditions of their loved ones inside the MEK’s camp.

Dashamir Mersuli Albanian member of ASILA
Dashamir Mersuli and his wife who are the Albanian members of ASILA attended the meeting and hoped that better days would come and families would visit their loved ones.