The MEK Terrorists in Germany

The Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorists in Germany

The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) is an anti-Iranian terrorist group formed in the 1960s on leftist and Marxist ideology. The group’s policy, like that of all other Marxist groups in Germany, including the Baader-Meinhof group, has been seeking power through violence and terror.

Assassination, torture, bombing, hijacking, armed attack, and robbery are common behaviors in all of these groups. After fleeing from Iran to France in 1981, the MEK virtually organized its network across European countries, including Germany, and strengthened its network after moving to Iraq. There, the group formed its own Red Army and received support from Iraqi former dictator Saddam. According to former members of the group, MEK’s central intelligence and security center is located in Germany, from where it plans to carry out terrorist attacks in Iran, launder money, spy on Iranian citizens, and raise money for other security measures.
Despite the publication of numerous reports by various intelligence services in Germany, why this intelligence nucleus is still present and active in this country still remains to be seen.

After the disbanding of the Red Army Faction terrorist group, which had brought insecurity and violence for Germans for about two
decades, the question is, what the Rajavi terrorist and leftist cult is doing in Germany? Terrorists are a time bomb wherever they are.
What follows is only a part of the reports released by official German institutions about the cult of Rajavi.

To read the full report click here

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