Ashraf, An Iraqi City?

One can’t find a city called "Ashraf" in all geographical or political maps of Iraq.

Iraqi students wouldn’t be able to answer your questions, if asked about Ashraf. It’s there, and meanwhile it’s not.

In the view of Saleh Mulaq and other Iraqis who have taken part in MKO’s carnivals for nearly three decades, such city exists and is considered as a center for heroic resistance!

Saleh Mutlaq, member of Iraqi parliament, has even been appointed as the honorary chief of MKO’s recent carnival and it’s amazing that he criticized Iraqi government in MKO’s Camp instead of Iraqi parliament.

In his speech, he even criticized the US, forgetting that he was speaking in the camp of an organization that is fully supported by the US, exchanges intelligence on Iranian nuclear program with it. This move shocked political analysts, who believe that all claims by Mutlaq on Iraq’s sovereignty are phony.

There is no city called Ashraf on Iraqi map; it was built as a camp for Iranian terrorists. As Iraq invaded Iran, a state-of-the-art camp was constructed. The group was equipped and the camp has now become a center for social-political activities of Iraqis who are part of the government but at the same time criticize it.

This so-called city witnesses strange relationship between the leaders of Mojahedin-e Khalq and Iraqi (and non-Iraqi) terrorist groups, including the "Islamic Government of Iraq" that assassinates Iraqis and seeks unrest in Iraq.

There are still light and heavy weapons in Ashraf, arms that were given to the group by Saddam Hussein. Some Iraqi terrorist groups have recently received weapons.

After distancing itself from Iran and resorting to violent armed movement against Iranians, and after seeking shelter in Iraq, the MKO turned into a bargaining chip in the international political scene.

In order to decrease the pressure of war on its ally, the group sought shelter in Saddam’s Iraq and stood next to Baathists right at the peak of Iran-Iraq war. Saddam, on his part, provided the organization will all kinds of blessings when Iraqi people were in poverty and desperation; he armed the group and provided them comfort.

From the beginning, the MKO played the role of mercenary for Saddam Hussein’s security and military services. One who escaped the trap says that apart from logistical assistance, the organization received 75 million dollars monthly from the Iraqi government. Each member received 500 dollars monthly from the government. Those involved in military activities got 2000 dollars plus to their salary.

MKO had surrendered tens of its internal opponents and critics to Iraqi security organizations. Iraq kept them in Al-Rezvanieh prison or exchanged them with Iraqi prisoners in Iran.

Therefore, the MKO turned into a tool in the hands of Iraqi regime and its espionage services to suppress all opposing voices. This cooperation’s peak was the suppression of 1991’s uprising of Iraqis in Kikuk and central parts of Iraq. The MKO had become an inseparable part of Saddam’s security services and after the ouster of Saddam, it was changed to a center for boosting the morale of remnants of Saddam and a base for spreading instability and unrest in the country.

In return for US’s agreement on group’s stay in Iraq, the group is ready to perform all kinds of services for Americans.

This is an unfair game. The resumption of this group’s presence of in Iraq would have irrecoverable damages to Iraq. It’s regrettable that the issue of MKO had not been discussed by the council of representatives until recently.

The parliament should make a decision about and condemn the US’s support for terrorists. The US is using the MKO against Iran. This is not helpful for Iraqis and on the contrary, it brings instability and destruction to the country.

Adel Habe, Sotaliraq

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