The CEO of ASILA reported of a new possibility for families of former members of the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) to travel to Serbia and then to Kosovo in order to visit their loved ones living in Abania.
The head of the newly established Association for the Support of the Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) spoke of the good news for families of MEK defectors who are living in Albania.

Hassan Heirani – the head of ASILA Association
“The good news is that the president of Albania Edi Rama and the president of Kosovo signed an agreement, the day before yesterday, based on which the border between the two countries will be opened.” Hassan Heirani told families of MEK members in an online meeting. “Therefore, families will be able to take a flight from Iran to Belgrade, Serbia and from there they could come to Krishna which is 250 kilometers far from Tirana so we can go there to visit them.”
According to the statute of ASILA, the association has also the capacity to establish a travel agency in order to provide visitor visa for the Iranian families who are willing to visit their loved ones in Albania.