Iranians outside MEK’s camp celebrate Yalda Night in Albania

Former members of the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) celebrated Yalda Night in Albania.

The Iranian residents of Albania, who have defected the MEK’s cult-like group, celebrated the winter solstice, known as Yalda in Persian culture, in Tirana, on December 21.

At Yalda Night, Iranians celebrate the arrival of winter, the renewal of the sun and the victory of light over darkness. Families gather together, stay up all night, eat red fruits, nuts and special dishes. They tell stories, read the poetries of Iranian poets like Hafez and speak of the good that can overcome evil. However, all these family activities are forbidden in the MEK as a so-called Iranian group.

A few of former members of the MEK who got married after their defection from the group, attended the celebration together with their families. Other defectors of the MEK who have not married yet or are far from their families in Iran, try to keep in touch with their friends through such occasions.

MEK defectors celebrated Yalda in Albania

These free Iranians living in Albania who have recently established the Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA) gathered together to keep the ceremonies of Yalda alive in Albania. As one of the missions of ASILA is developing cultural interactions between Iranians and Albanians, some Albanian friends of ASILA members attended the party.
The event indicates the determination of MEK defectors to live a normal life maintaining all traditions that link them to their homeland and family, despite years of being deprived from a normal family life in the MEK camps.

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