Traffic From and To MKO’s Camp Banned

Iraqi prime minister warned "Adnan Al-Dulaimi" and "Saleh Mutlaq" that they would be arrested if they took part in MKO’s conference set to be held in Camp Ashraf".

News sources stressed that the threat includes all those who go to Camp Ashraf.

Meanwhile, a group of Iraqi forces have been deployed to the area where Camp Ashraf is located in order to arrest Dulaimi and Mutlaq or any other Iraqi taking part in MKO’s meeting on charges of terrorism.

The threat follows the measures taken by the Iraqi parliament and Iraq’s Unity Coalition in order to expel the MKO from the country.

This organization is recognized as an international terrorist organization all over the world.

Reports indicate that US forces have also accepted the decision of Iraqi government and have banned all traffic from and to Camp Ashraf.

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