Amir Yaghmai, former child soldier asked for the trial of the leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq.
Amir is one of the first former child soldiers of the MEK who spoke out about his experience of living under the abusive system of the Cult of Rajavi. Very soon, a picture of his ID card was published on the MEK-run websites labeling him as the agent f the Iranian Intelligence. In 2021, two other MEK-born children who are now in their thirties spoke out.

Amir Vafa Yaghmaee
Hanif Azizi, a Swedish policeman now, published his autobiography, “Suburban snout” in Swedish recounting his childhood in the MEK’s military camps. Amin Golmaryami was the third child soldier who was officially brought to the lime light of the Western media. He was interviewed by the German newspaper Die Zeit. Their revelations on the horrific life of children in the Cult of Rajavi were eventually translated to Persian. The expectable consequence for both of them was the label of being mercenaries of the Iranian intelligence by the MEK propaganda.
The unreceptive response of the MEK leaders to their own children seeing them in the side of their enemy created a movement among other former child soldiers to speak out. In two sessions of speaking in a Club House room hosted by Amir Yaghmai, a large number of MEK’s former child soldiers confirmed the testimonies made by Amir Yaghmai, Hanif Azizi and Amin Golmaryami. This time all of the speakers of the room were labeled as the agents of the Iranian Intelligence by the MEK!
In an action to inform more people about the truth, Amir Yaghmai published the audio files of ten hours of spoken testimonies made by former child soldiers of the MEK in his You Tube channel. In the caption, he stated, “our accounts of living in the MEK go back to 15 to 20 years ago but this does not diminish the responsibility for the crimes of the group committed against us, former child soldiers.”
It is just a matter of time. Amir Yaghmai refers to worldwide examples like Irmgard Furchner, a 96-year-old former Nazi concentration camp secretary, who in September 2021 was accused by a German court of contributing to the murder of more than 11000 people through her work at the Stutthof concentration camp between 1943 and 1945. Prosecutors argued that she was part of the apparatus that helped the Nazi camp function more than 75 years ago.
“We want the leaders of the MEK, Massoud Rajavi who is 73 years old and his wife Maryam Rajavi who is 68 now, to be tried in an international justice court for the rights of ours that they violated.” Amir states.
As MEK’s child soldiers, Amir and his friends are witnesses and victims of the atrocities and harassments committed by the group commanders. “We experienced a lot of hardship during our childhood in the MEK,” he writes. “A large number of us were sexually abused by the group members. We will present all of our testimonies in a proper place as two of my friends courageously testified, in the previous room in Club House, how they were sexually harassed at Camp Ashraf.”