Deja Vue for MEK Over Bread Shortages in Albania

As the world wakes up to the realisation that more than a quarter of the world’s wheat exports come from Russia and Ukraine, the MEK ( Mujahedin e Khalq ) are in familiar territory. During the MEK’s four decade stay in Iraq (1983-2016), they had to learn how to exist under the various U.S. sanctions on that country. While Albanian media is warning of price rises and shortages of bread due to the current conflict in Ukraine, the MEK will no doubt be quickly scrambling to ensure its own supplies via mafia gangs.

In Iraq, under extreme sanctions, the MEK used its privately sourced bread supply to recruit new members. There is no doubt they will try to use the situation in Albania for the same end. Already the MEK has positioned itself alongside the Albanian police and immigration services to deceptively recruit Iranian, Afghani and other vulnerable asylum seekers as they arrive in Albania. The shortage of bread can only offer even greater leverage.

The fact that the MEK is still trying to recruit new members should sound alarm bells. In spite of the problems the MEK faces due to its ageing and ailing membership, the cult is still actively working with Albanian and Italian mafia gangs. The MEK’s skills in money laundry, military logistics, intelligence and spying and human trafficking could all be utilised during the Ukraine crisis. With its history of mercenary work for Saddam Hussein, Israel, the US and others, the only question is, ‘how much is any side willing to pay?’

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