Nejat Society Letter to France 24 TV

Nejat Society

France 24 TV

Immeuble Aphelion

5 Rue dos Natiousunies

92130 Issy-les-Mourineaux


Dear editor

We in the Nejat Society in Tehran learned through the website of the Mojahedin-e- Khalq Organization (MKO) called “hambastegimeli” that you have made interviews with Mr Afshin Alavi and Ms Farid Karimi, two well known members of the organization under the alias of the National Council of Resistance (NCR). We must draw your attention to the fact that the MKO terrorist cult is disguised as the NCR in its international relations. It is also worth mentioning that MKO has been in the list of proscribed terrorist groups issued by the council of the European Union since May 2002.

Nejat Society consists of those defected members of the MKO who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organisation. They do find themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members whom are still mentally or even physically captive inside a terrorist cult. We also would like to require your consideration on a matter concerning many families of members of the MKO residing in their base in Iraq called Ashraf camp.

Up to 500 ex-members of the MKO have managed to return home to their families since the overthrow of the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Nejat Society of course played a vital role with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Iranian Red Crescent, and other international and domestic bodies as well as the families themselves to safeguard their homecoming.

Around 200 of those who have managed to flee the Organisation are kept in a nearby component under the supervision of “Temporary International Presence Facility (TIPF)”

The members and authorities of Nejat Society are well aware that they are facing a fierce tackle. The Mojahedin-e- Khalq Organization of course has adopted a hostile attitude against the Society and has never stopped its intense propaganda aggravation in order to stop the Society helping the MKO members.

All cults, typically try to intimidate their critics and opponents, particularly those who try to help the discontented members out. MKO is no exception. They have a long record of suppressing their despondent members and they have used all forms of mental and physical methods in order to make their followers yield.

On behalf of the anxious families of the members of the MKO we would like to invite you to come to Iran and make interviews with these families as well as the defected members and raise their voice in order to be heard by the international bodies as well as the organization’s leaders.

We are looking forward to seeing a reply from you as soon as possible.

With regards and many thanks

Nejat Society


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