The Scarlet Wednesday and Summer Day celebrated by ASILA

The Scarlet Wednesday and Summer Day celebrated by ASILa

Members of ASILA celebrated the Albanian” Dita e Veres” and the Iranian “Chaharshanbe Suri” together with their Albanian friends and neighbors.
ASILA, the association for the support of Iranians living in Albania was established five months ago by a group of defectors of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi). The association was registered as a legal institute to support those who defect the Cult of Rajavi in Albania. It supports defectors of the cult in order to enjoy their civil rights, find a job, deal with their legal issues and have a family in Albania. As defection from the MEK has been on the rise since the group’s relocation in Albania in 2015, the founders of ASILA seek to develop cultural relationships between the two nations.

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Dita e Veres (Summer Day) is an annual public holiday in Albania and is held on March 14th every year. The holiday marks the rebirth of nature following the end of winter. Bonfires are traditionally lit in yards elsewhere in Albania with the function to drive away the darkness of the winter season and for the strengthening of the Sun. fires are the symbol of the sun’s purity and strength. This is very similar to the Iranian ancient celebration called Chaharshnbeh Suri (the Scarlet Wednesday) which is held on the last Tuesday night of the Iranian calendar before Nowruz (the beginning of spring).
Celebrating the two ancient celebration at the same time, ASILA members indicate that they are willing and determined to grow more links with hosting society. Lighting bonfires and setting a table with colored eggs and sugar cookies on it, they created a fun and happy night.

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