“I defected the Cult of Rajavi because they are dishonest, unreliable and fraudulent,” he writes in his official announcement to denounce the MEK.
Born in 1980 in Tehran, Musa was 21 years old when he was kidnapped by the MEK recruiters and eventually was taken to the group’s base in Iraq. He recounts how he was trapped by them:
“A friend of mine, named Mehdi Rajabi was abroad. One day, a woman called me and said that she was an acquaintance of Mehdi. She said, ‘your friend is working in Greece. He cannot call you and he has asked me to call you to tell you to go to Greece.’ I had just finished my army service and I was jobless. I found it a good opportunity. The woman told me to go to Turkey from where she would help me move to Greece. By the way. I went to Turkey and called the woman. Someone came to take me to their safe house. I was told that Mehdi had sent me an email. I do not remember the exact words but he had written that I should trust them and do whatever they said. As I trusted my friend, I accepted everything they said. They gave me an Iraqi passport and took me to Iraq.”

Musa Jaberifar
This was the beginning of a thirteen-year imprisonment in the Cult of Rajavi for Musa jaberifar. He was not a political person so he had no idea about the Mujahedin Khalq. “In Iraq, I had no idea where I was going,” he says. “After I arrived, I gradually found out that I was completely wrong to trust my friend. During the thirteen years that I was in the Cult of Rajavi, I asked to leave several times but every time they coerced me to stay by holding brainwashing sessions.”
After the group was relocated in Albania in 2015, Musa finally left the group’s camp but he was financially dependent to the group until recently. In response, leaders of the MEK asked him to spy on other defectors of the group in particular members of ASILA (Association for the Iranians Living in Albania). “They had bought me somehow. I was their hostage. I was exhausted. It was like I was still in the cult,” he writes. Thus, he declared his total defection from the Cult of Rajavi and he joined ASILA a few days ago.
“I want to choose for and build my life, the life that was ruined in the cult,” he states.