Victim of the Cult of Rajavi: I was brainwashed

As a passionate teenager, Ali Biglari fled home to go to the front of Iran-Iraq war. He dreamed of defending his homeland against the aggressive enemy. However, he soon was taken as a war prisoner by Iraqi forces.
The recruiters of the Mujahedin Khalq  succeeded to convince him to join their group after three years of imprisonment in Rumadi Camp, Iraq.

Ali Biglari

Once he entered the MEK’s headquarters in Iraq, Camp Ashraf, he found out that he had stepped in the wrong path but the brainwashing system of the Cult of Rajavi continued to keep him for many years.
Ali Biglari could finally manage to return home in 2003, after 14 years of imprisonment and mental and physical torture in the MEK’s cult-like structure. “The bitterness of freedom” is a recently-published book based on Ali’s life experience as a victim of the Cult of Rajavi.

Javad Kamvar; Writer of the book: bitterness of freedom, and Ali Biglari

“The title of the book implies that the central character of the book was freed from Iraqi prison but immediately after he was imprisoned in the MEK’s prison,” Javad Kamvar, the author of the book says. “He regretted but there was no way back. He could not accept the ideology of the MEK so he was under too much organizational pressure that led him to commit suicide. He survived but the MEK leaders handed him to Iraqi notorious prison, Abu Ghuraib.”

Ali Biglari never became an official member of the MEK’s army but he was coerced to stay in the group. “I had no idea that Camp Ashraf was a camp surrounded with barbed wires,” he says. “I thought it was a city in which I would have a normal life but as I arrived in Ashraf, the exit was shut for me for 14 years. I was brainwashed there.”

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