My name is Mohammad Hosein Sobhani. I am a former official and member of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization central committee. My name and title appeared in the special Autumn issue of 1370{ year beginning on 21 March 1977} and became professionally involved with that organization on 22 Bahman 1357{11 February 1978}. At the beginning, I was working in MKO’s administrative and student departments until with my wife, Afsaneh Taherian, were dispatched to Iranian Kordestan. Prior to my transfer, I was in command of a resistance unit. After the opposition forces pulled back from the liberated territories in Iranian Kordestan, I continued my work at MKO bases in Iraq. I worked in the communication department of Radio Mojahed until 1364{year beginning on 21 March 1985} when I assumed my role as a unit commander at the training school for urban guerrilla warfare. And later I was out in charge of a department at the intelligence headquarters. I, subsequently, became the security commander at Ashraf Base and later became one of the commanders in charge of AM {security} and HE{protection}.

Mohammd Hussein Sobhani
Starting in 1371 {year beginning on 21 March 1992}, I began expressing my views about MKO’s strategy regarding its armed struggle and the organization’s presence in Iraq.
Subsequently I had two meetings with Massoud Rajavi,each lasting six to seven hours, during which he tried to change my views. I also met Maryam Azdanlu and Fahimeh Arvani a number of times during which I pushed my views forward, stood my grounds and expressed reservations about various issues. Finally at the start of Shahrivar 1371{August 1992}, Mr. Rajavi ordered a meeting attended by Ebrahim Zakeri and Seyyed Mohamamd al-Mohaddesin and a number of high ranking officials.
I saw behind Rajavi’s false façade for the first time. During this meeting those people who until yesterday were calling me brother were now using their hands, fists and gutter language as well as profanity trying to dissuade me from questioning the strategy of the organization. I , however, stood my ground and did not bend. After that, Ebrahim Zakeri who had presided over the meeting ended the session. Following that meeting, report of which was forwarded to Rajavi, I was put in Bengal { a small container} at Badie Base for 24 hours. The next day, before the start of the daily routine at the base, I was secretly moved by two Land cruisers and a group headed by Ebrahim Zakeri and Soheyla Sadeg ( at the time in charge of the organization’s jail and personnel headquarters). I was transferred to a new jail and put in solitary confinement located on street No 400 at Ashraf Base (at the center of Khales, 50 km north of Baghdad).
To be continued